In art this week, year 5 were looking at using their origami skills to create a piece centered on rotational symmetry. The children really enjoyed practicing their fine motor skills, folding each paper square with precision and care. They especially enjoyed spinning their final artworks to see the magic of the colours swirl together!
In science, we were looking into levers and pulleys, investigating if the position of the fulcrum (the balancing point of our levers) affected the force we needed to exert to lift the heavy objects. The children are really enjoying these more hands-on science lessons, becoming mini scientists for an afternoon and testing their own hypotheses.
This week, year 5 also completed their final draft for their narrative of our class novel 'The London Eye Mystery'. Both class teachers were immensely impressed with the quality of work produced by the children, so much so that our star writers' washing lines were full to the brim with outstanding writing! Well done year 5!
In computing, we have started our new topic working with Crumble kits. This week, we learned how to correctly connect our crumble to a sparkle and to a computer before transferring over a program which allowed us to change the colour of the sparkle! It was quite fiddly to begin with, but both classes really enjoyed working together to solve any problems and we all managed to change our sparkles to some very funky colours!