At Marland Hill Primary School we host several events across the course of the school year in order to raise necessary funds. We use this money to subsidise school trips or fun events for the children. Our Summer/Eid Fair and Christmas Fair help to raise a significant amount of money, and we are always grateful for your donations towards this. Whether that is by sending your children in with some chocolate or a bottle on our non-uniform days or by sending in unwanted gifts or vouchers for raffle prizes. We contact many local shops and businesses prior to these events to encourage them to support our cause by donating prizes. We are grateful for any donations we receive, and we have been fortunate to obtain many valuable prizes over recent years. We are always grateful for your attendance at these events on the day. Without your support, they would not be possible.
We are always looking for new ideas and ways to raise funds that the children will enjoy, and most recently we have been able to provide silent discos for our children in Key Stage 2. We are hoping to run something similar for our children in Key Stage 1 and the Foundation Stage later in the school year.
If you have any suggestions or ideas that could help us with our fundraising, please let us know. We are always looking for parents and carers to help us run these events. If you are able to offer some spare time, please get in touch via the school office.