Phonics Count
Phonics Counts is Edge Hill University’s innovative new reading intervention based on systematic synthetic phonics.
It is delivered by a specially trained teacher (Mrs Carroll) in collaboration with a teaching assistant to children in Years 1 to 3 who have the greatest difficulties with reading. It helps them to get back on track with phonic skills and a love of reading.
The Phonics Counts teacher uses their specialist knowledge to support colleagues and parents, raising reading and literacy standards in all classes throughout the school.
Mrs Carroll teaches children for half an hour, three days a week, individually or in pairs. A teaching assistant delivers follow up sessions for the rest of the week if needed.
Mrs Carroll uses a detailed diagnostic assessment to plan a programme tailored to each child’s needs. Rigorous, lively and stimulating lessons focus on phonic knowledge, comprehension and vocabulary development, ensuring that children have the skills and motivation to enjoy success at reading.
The teacher liaises with the children’s parents and class teacher, helping everyone to work together to support the children’s reading
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Numbers Count
Numbers CountTM is a highly effective intervention. It is delivered by a specially trained teacher (Mrs Caroll) to children who find mathematics extremely difficult and may not reach Level 3 at the end of Key Stage 2. It helps them to get back on track and catch up with their peers. Over 50,000 children have taken part in Numbers Count since 2008, making average Number Age gains of 16 months after 4 months.
There are two versions:
Every child has a programme of at least 40 half hour Numbers Count lessons over 3 or 4 months, while continuing to take part in their normal class mathematics lessons. Teachers decide whether to teach each lesson individually or to 2 or 3 children together.
Lessons take place in a dedicated teaching area where children can use a wide variety of resources. The teacher begins by making a detailed diagnostic assessment of what each child knows and then plans an individualised programme to help each one to move forward. Lessons focus on number and calculation, follow a set routine and are rigorous and active.
The teacher aims to help each child to become numerate and confident, to enjoy actively learning mathematics and to develop the skills and positive attitudes needed to continue to make good progress in normal class mathematics lessons after completing Numbers Count.
A Numbers Count teacher receives intensive training and support for 2 terms from a local ECC Teacher Leader, and ongoing support thereafter.
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