
Marland Hill Community Primary School

Together we will achieve more!

Year Group Focus: Nursery

This half term in nursery, the children have been learning about different traditional tales. They have loved dressing up and retelling the different stories.  The children spent lots of time building the different houses from the 3 little pigs and seeing if they could blow them down just like the wolf. We also had a really exciting surprise when Mummy Bear made us some of her porridge and we even got to try it!!








In maths this half term the children have been learning about the numbers 1 and 2. The children have been practicing their subitising skills which they are getting really good at. We have done lots of fun activities during maths and also the children have been able to use their new knowledge independently whilst in continuous provision.








During this term the children went to forest school to look at the signs of Autumn. We talked about the changing colour of leaves, why the leaves were falling and looking at the different habitats and which animals hibernate. The children really enjoyed the story ‘Don’t Hog the Hedge’ and tried to find places were the different animals could hibernate. The children really enjoyed having the opportunity to take their learning outside of the classroom.

