
Marland Hill Community Primary School

Together we will achieve more!

Year Group Focus—Year 6

Year 6 have had a very positive start to the new school year. 


Our History topic this half term has been 'The Victorians'. As part of this learning, we have been reading and enjoying the novel 'Street Child'. From this, we have written a diary entry from the perspective of Jim, the main character. To enhance our learning, we have loaned a box from Touchstones which is filled with exciting artifacts from the Victorian era. This helped to bring our topic to life and gave the children the opportunity to see these artifacts up close. 


In Science, we have been learning all about light. We have completed experiments making and changing the shape of shadows. Most recently, we have been learning about reflection, angles of incidence and angles of reflection. The children had a great time experimenting with changing  the angles of reflection using laser pointers and mirrors to navigate a maze. 


As part of our computing learning, the children have been learning about online communication. We have learnt about how computers communicate with each other and how we can use the internet to communicate on group projects. This half term the children have collaborated together on a fact file. The children had to communicate on the powerpoint and work together to complete this task. We have also collaborated with online creators and adapted their Scratch programmes. 


In Design Technology lessons, the children have been learning about slippers. They have evaluated a range of slippers, designed their own and this week, began to sew these. 



