At the end of last term, the children created a collaborative art piece using graffiti and stenciling. The children drew their ideas together from various artists, for example, the anonymous graffiti artist, Banksy. The children also came up with their own, individual name tag which they added to the class graffiti wall. Both classes had an amazing time, coming together, and working on their final pieces which were displayed in the hall.
This term, in geography, we are learning about mountains. Some of the children have already brought in some amazing pieces of work from home linked to the new topic. We cannot wait to receive more homework. The children have started learning about what a mountain is and how different types of mountains are formed. We are also linking our English to our geography topic by writing an information text based on an animal that lives in the Swiss Alps.
In history last term, the children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Golden Age of Islam. The children enjoyed learning all about the House of Wisdom, how Baghdad was known as 'the round city' and everything the Islamic scholars invented.