
Marland Hill Community Primary School

Together we will achieve more!

Year Group Focus: Year 2

We have had a busy start to the half term in Year 2! 


In Maths we have started our unit of work on division. We have been using resources in Maths to share objects and show our working out. We have looked at different ways to divide using different strategies and methods to give the children a wealth of knowledge. We have now started looking at how                                multiplication facts can help us to divide using fact families. 





In History, we have started to learn all about The Great Fire of London. So far, we have learnt about how the fire started and why it spread across London. In the coming weeks we will learn about how the fire was eventually stopped and the significant people from this event. 


Our Design Technology project this half term links to our History learning. We will be designing and making a fire engine. This week the children have been investigating the different axels used to make a moving mechanism. 

