What an exciting start to the Summer term the Nursery children have had. Last week we were able to go to forset school, the children spent time exploring all around the school grounds. The children were looking for signs of spring, we found lots of leaves starting to grow on the trees, flowers that had started to grow and we even listened carefully for the birds singing in the trees.
The children also had the opportunity to experiment with paints and colour mixing. We read a story called Mouse Paint that was all about some mice who found some paint and jumped splashed and danced in the different colours mixing them together to create different colours. The children spent time mixing our paints to make try to make different colours.
At the end of the week the children were able to do some science experiments. They spent time exploring different items in the water tray to find out what floats and what sinks. They also used the magnets to work out what materials were magnetic and non-magnetic.
What a busy but very fun start to our Summer Term.