
Marland Hill Community Primary School

Together we will achieve more!

Poster Compeition Winner!

We are delighted to announce that Zaara Ali, Yr 6 won a competition organised through Rochdale Council where Children were asked to create posters that highlighted the negative impact of smoking for the chance to see their artwork on display and win a family cinema ticket.


Zaara's clever design showing a child copying a smoking parent through a mirror image.


Rochdale Borough Children's Council teamed up with the public protection team to run the school poster competition to encourage parents to stop smoking near their children.


The winning poster will now be displayed in GP surgeries, libraries and other venues across the borough, alongside the stop smoking contact number to encourage residents to quit for good.


More than 237 entries were received from schools across the borough, which highlighted the health risks associated with smoking, such as cancer and how it affects children.


Click here for further information.

