Encouraging good sleeping habits
Good sleeping habits are very important for your child’s development. Children need to learn good sleeping habits they do not come naturally. A good bedtime routine is essential for establishing good sleep patterns. Establish a sleep plan which all adults in the house agree to.
Tips to consider include:
· Children over 6 months old do not require food or drink during the night so stop night feeds after 6 months before they become a habit which will be hard to break.
· Re establish routines as soon as possible after a break due to illness, holidays etc.
· Give children calm down time preferably without electronics for an hour before bed.
· Try not to allow your child to fall asleep on the sofa as they need to learn to self soothe – fall asleep by themselves.
· Try to include a story or reading as part of a bedtime routine.
Choose a time that is convenient to start to establish a new bedtime routine.
· Be firm, consistent and confident.
You can do this!