
Marland Hill Community Primary School

Together we will achieve more!


Over the course of September, we will be holding 2 fundraising events to raise money for cancer charities that are close to the hearts of our school community.


On 19th September we will be holding a non-uniform day for the children, and asking for donations. This day would have been the birthday of one of our pupils, Saqib Ahmed, who we sadly lost to a cancerous brain tumour 2 years ago.


We are also hoping to take part in the McMillan Coffee Morning on 29th September, and would like to invite parents to this. Please send any donations of cake in to the school office by Thursday 28th September. This will be in memory of a member of staff, Tracy Affleck, who lost her fight with cancer last term.


All money raised from the 2 events will be split between 3 charities – Milly’s Smile, McMillan, and Springhill Hospice. Thank you in advance for your support with these events.

