
Marland Hill Community Primary School

Together we will achieve more!

Focus week - Year 4

Year 4 have had a very busy week!

They have been learning all about Ancient Greeks in History. They have been studying Ancient Greek pottery and have been making and painting their very own pottery! These look fantastic, well done Year 4!

They have also been learning about the Ancient Greek Olympics (parents: see if your child can tell you any information about the Ancient Greek Olympics)


They have also taken part in the Linking Project, you can find out more about the Linking Project and the aims, purposes and benefits online at

Mr Rimmer’s class linked up with St Thomas’ C of E school and Miss Wright’s class linked up with Parkfield, Middleton. Pupils this term will visit the M6 Theatre with linking classes to watch a theatre production, and visit each other’s schools to share work in the spring and summer term. Children have also been making bunting as part of the linking project.


In Music, Y4A have been learning to play recorders. They are preparing for an instrumental assembly later this Autumn.

