
Marland Hill Community Primary School

Together we will achieve more!

All About Bees!

This week in Topic, reception children have been learning all about Bees. They have learnt lots of interesting facts about Bees in the environment. The children have been very intrigued about discovering the process of how honey is produced.


They had a lovely surprise from Mrs Woodland who had very kindly showed us some pictures of Bees making honey in their hive and also she dressed up as a Bee keeper. The children were overjoyed and gathered around Mrs Woodland as she showed them the smoke box, which is used to calm the Bees down., they enjoyed touching the bee suit and seeing how it would protect a person from bee’s.


Questions you could ask your children at home:


1. How many wings does a bee have?


2. How many legs does a bee have?



3. Do bee’s always sting?



 4. What do bee’s get from flowers that they pass onto other flowers to help them grow?"

5. What do bee’s get from flowers that they pass onto other flowers to help them grow?" 

