
Marland Hill Community Primary School

Together we will achieve more!

After School Clubs

After School Clubs will be starting the week after next (week commencing 18th September).

A letter has been sent out. We still have places  available. If you wish to book and reserve a place, please go to Parent Mail in the payment section, the shop to book a place. The cost is £13 and must be paid in advance. Places are on a first come, first served basis. The after school clubs are as follows:


Monday: Year 3 and Year 4

Tuesday  KS2

Thursday: Year 1 and Year 2

Friday: Year 5 and Year 6


The after school clubs will take place 3.15pm-4.15pm. Please pick your child up at 4.15pm promptly from the school office. Year 6 children will need to be collected, even if they have permission to walk home. Please ensure an adult (aged 18 years or over) picks your child up and that they are on your child’s pick up list. Thank you for you continued support.

