
Marland Hill Community Primary School

Together we will achieve more!

School Covid Update

Dear Parents

I hope you are all well and have managed to adapt somewhat to the new circumstances under which we are living.

As you will be aware, over the last few weeks, school has only been open to the children of key workers and those who are vulnerable. On Sunday, Boris Johnson announced that primary schools may start to re-open from 1st June, and this would be for children in Nursery, Reception, year 1 and year 6, as well as those of key workers and who are vulnerable.

In advance of this announcement, and since further documentation has been released to support schools, we have been planning on how we will begin to re-open school. These are some of the arrangements we will need to put in place, and are still considering how we can implement:

  • Smaller class sizes. This will mean your child may not be taught by their class teacher, in their usual classroom or with their friends.
  • Staggered start and finish times across a school day
  • Possible part time days for some year groups initially
  • Possible staggered start date for year groups
  • Staggered playtimes and dinnertimes
  • Restricted movement around school
  • Restricted access to resources. For children in EYFS this will mean no soft furnishings/ soft toys
  • The need for some staff to wear PPE on occasions, for example, first aid. This would involve face masks, aprons and gloves.
  • Packed lunches/ grab bags at lunchtimes
  • Supporting children to implement social distancing at playtimes and dinnertimes
  • Additional hand washing/ hand sanitising

We are obviously still at the planning stage, and will be able to let you know more detail about how school will operate when we are able to, and if we are definitely to reopen.

Texts are being sent home to parents in the relevant year groups. When you have received your text, please could you reply to school to let us know your intentions, to help inform our planning.

We will obviously keep you informed, and let you know what the arrangements would be for your child.


Yours sincerely

Mrs Pridgeon

