
Marland Hill Community Primary School

Together we will achieve more!

Government Covid Update

Dear Parents/Carers,


You may have heard some of Boris Johnson's briefing yesterday and it may leave you with some questions.  Like you, we have only just heard the announcement, so at this stage we are not in a position to answer any questions. As keen as we are to have more children back with us, we need to ensure that as far as possible it is safe for the children and staff to do so. 


We are told to expect more guidance and information from the government about what the announcement may mean for our school. I await this, with interest.


In the short term, nothing has changed.  We remain open for children of key workers, those with an EHCP who can socially distance safely, and those with social worker involvement. Staff continue working hard to support home learning via our website and Education City, and in school our caretaking team is working hard to ensure it is safe for us to be here.


I will of course provide further information in the coming days and weeks when I am able to do so. Once again,


I thank you for your continued support and understanding.


Mrs Alex Pridgeon



